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Wantagh Lauds All-County Musicians

More than 30 musicians from the Wantagh School District were recognized at the Jan. 23 board of education meeting for their participation in the All-County music festival. Hosted by the Nassau Music

Mandalay Students Celebrate Lunar New Year

A teacher and a trio of parent volunteers educated students about the traditions of Lunar New Year on Jan. 28 at Mandalay Elementary School in the Wantagh School District. The day before the holiday

Fitness Has a Fun Winter Twist at Mandalay

Winter-themed fitness stations delighted students at Mandalay Elementary School in the Wantagh School in the days leading up to the holiday break.   During recess on Dec. 18, students enjoyed the

Thanksgiving Tradition Comes to Life at Mandalay Elementary with Student-Made Floats and Balloon

Students at Mandalay Elementary School brought in the holiday season with their own Thanksgiving parade filled with the same energy and excitement as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Students at

Mandalay Students Create a High-Tech Thanksgiving Parade

Robots roamed the STEAM classroom at Mandalay Elementary School, as first graders used technology to simulate the famous Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. At one station, students used Bee-Bots to

Elementary Family Night Brings Learning to Life with Creative Activities

Wantagh elementary schools collaborated in an exciting evening of hands-on learning for students and their families, featuring creative centers that brought STEAM, literacy, and math to life in fun

Mandalay Student Council Leads “Treats for Troops” Collection

Mandalay Student Council honored veterans this year with their annual “Treats for Troops” Candy Drive now in its fifth year. Assorted wrapped candy was collected through November 4 filling approximate

United for Kindness at Mandalay School

To promote a climate of acceptance and kindness, students at Mandalay Elementary School demonstrated their shared vision during Unity Day on Oct. 30. The annual anti-bullying initiative is sponsored

Wantagh Students of All Ages Share a Spooky Moment

  Hundreds of youngsters put on their costumes and ventured over to Wantagh High School for the third annual Community Spooktacular on the evening of Oct. 29. The event was a partnership between

Students Learn Compassion with Donation Drive for Hurricane Helene Relief

  In the wake of Hurricane Helene, the students at Mandalay Elementary School partnered with New York State Senator Steven D. Rhoads and the National Guard by organizing a donation drive to collect