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April Newsletter

Posted Date: 4/19/24 (2:00 PM)

Mandalay Elementary School

Dear Mandalay Families:

Hope this message finds you safe and well, and you are enjoying the longer and warmer days! 
Looking ahead, our focus for May is Creativity.  As previously mentioned, all three elementary schools will designate the second Tuesday of each month to Character Dare, which highlights the theme of the month with a short homework assignment for students to complete, fostering a stronger partnership between school and home.  Teachers will select a few assignments to display in the main lobby on our SEL bulletin board.

As we near the end of the school year, Mandalay will begin our annual "ABC Countdown" for the last twenty-six days of school.  Starting on Friday, May 17th, until the last day of school on Wednesday, June 26th, each day will represent a letter of the alphabet associated with a theme.  Please print the following calendar and participate in as many days as possible.  

Due to an earlier snow day that was utilized, school will be in session on Thursday, May 23rd. Memorial Recess will be on Friday, May 24th and Monday, May 27th.

On Tuesday, May 21st, we invite all families to Mandalay's Learning Fair from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the café.  Here is more information regarding the Learning Fair.  
Field Day will be here before you know it!  Please read the following letter regarding Field Day outlining the specifics for the day.

Have a lovely break and Happy Passover for any family celebrating the holiday!
Marie Pisicchio
Principal | Mandalay Elementary School
Helpful Links

Absentee Form 

UPK Registration

K Registration

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Twitter: @MandalayEl
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Facebook: Mandalay Elementary School

Dates to Remember

May 6th
6:1 Ms. Gagliano's
Class Trip- Post Office

May 7th & 8th

May 13th & 14th

May 13th
PTA Meeting in Café at 7:30 p.m.- 
*Mr. McNamara presenting budget information 

May 14th
6:1 Ms. Gagliano's Class Trip- 
Stew Leonard's

May 15th
5th Grade Trip-
Project Adventure

May 17th
Kindergarten Trip-

May 20th
6:1 Mrs. Riegger's Class Trip- 
Stew Leonard's 

May 21st
Learning Fair 
Budget Vote

May 24th-May 27th
Memorial Day Recess

May 30th
1st & 2nd Grade, 
and Ms. Arnold's 
Class Trip- LICM