Thanksgiving Tradition Comes to Life at Mandalay Elementary with Student-Made Floats and Balloon

Students at Mandalay Elementary School brought in the holiday season with their own Thanksgiving parade filled with the same energy and excitement as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Students at Wantagh’s Mandalay Elementary School dressed up and displayed their Thanksgiving floats and homemade balloons figures in a parade outside of the school before the holiday.
“Every year we try to do something for Thanksgiving whether it’s giving back or having a parade, but it gets the kids involved,” says Ms. Capozzi. “It really teaches them about the importance of the holiday.”
As parents and family members looked on, each class designed a themed float, which were created in art classes throughout November under the direction of art teacher Laura Capozzi. The grade themes were kindergarten: turkeys; first grade: pilgrims; second grade: animals; third grade: football; fourth grade: movies; fifth grade: video games. Each float was announced by Bobby Humphreys who kept spectators thoroughly entertained.
With parents and family members eagerly watching, each class proudly showcased their themed floats, created during art class under the direction of art teacher Laura Capozzi. The grade-level themes included turkeys (kindergarten), pilgrims (first grade), animals (second grade), football (third grade), movies (fourth grade), and the fifth grade brought video games to life.
Ending the parade in true, holiday season fashion was Santa Clause officially ushering in the winter holiday season.