Mandalay Students Reflect on Their Personal Value

Treating others with kindness is an important lesson, and at Mandalay Elementary School, students also learned to treat themselves kindly. Mirror Talk Mondays is a new initiative to help children build confidence, be proud of who they are and understand all that they can offer.
Guidance counselor Donna Shulman said there is a mirror outside of the classroom, and students are encouraged to start off each week by looking in it and making a positive declaration.
“The goal is for it to become part of their routine,” Ms. Shulman said, adding that she hopes students will give themselves reassurance several times a week, using either the mirrors in school or at home.
Ms. Shulman added that a child can simply get a boost from looking in a mirror and seeing his or her own smile.
Mirror Talk Monday has already become a hit with students. Fifth grader Michael Coticchio said when he goes up to the mirror and gives himself a compliment, it almost feels like the compliment is coming from someone else. Christopher Tragna said it gives him the energy to get through a challenging day.
“It makes me feel happy about myself,” Avery Ross said. “It gives me the courage to more often say good things about myself.”
Fifth grader Corinne Haubeil steps to the mirror to remind herself that she is trying hard. Kindergartner Daxton Maloney says to himself “I am smart,” which encourages him to do well in school. His classmate, Stella Duncan, likes to treat others kindly so she says in the mirror, “I am loving.”