Mandalay Students Get in the Olympic Spirit
The winter Olympics are being held about 6,000 miles away in Beijing, but children at Mandalay Elementary School are still getting in on the action. Students are taking part in Olympic-inspired games during their physical education classes throughout February.
Opening ceremonies were held on Feb. 7 with Olympic music playing in the lobby. Each class was chosen to represent a different country and students donned those colors as they were welcomed to the two-week competition. As one class left and other arrived, students passed off the ceremonial torch.
Physical education teacher Jared Bursky said that activities will mimic actual winter Olympic sports. There will be modified versions of many popular games including curling, hockey, ice skating and luge, among others. For curling, students slid rings across the gym floor while teammates used hockey brooms to clear away obstacles. Luge was played using small scooters.
Students could accumulate points for their country not only by their success in the different games, but also for spirit and teamwork. Before the games started, Mr. Bursky discussed the history of the Olympics in physical education classes and told students that a recent Olympia, diver Andrew Capobianco who competed in last year’s summer games, attended Mandalay as a child.